Step By Step Frameworks

Go From Best Kept Secret
To Trusted Authority
By Mastering Speaking, Storytelling & Media Presence

The Confident, Visible, Known program helps you master your mindset, marketing and messaging using proven frameworks. Overcome fears, create high-value offers, craft persuasive talks & trainings and get paid for your expertise, amplify your reach and credibility maximising your influence, impact and income.

Enrol Now

Imagine rapidly becoming an authority in your niche, impacting millions with your message and attracting premium clients and connections to grow your income ...

Keeley's TEDx Talk has 1.7M+ views and she was featured in Marie Claire, Glamour, and Invited To Speak At Global Events



"Minnie was key and vital in my journey and could see the brilliance and pull it out of me. It was a transformative journey for me to go from someone who was afraid to deliver that talk; it's not good enough, it's too controversial, it's not the right time - you believed in me and in my message and helped me become the person who could deliver that talk."

What if you could have others SHARE and ENDORSE your message, reach GLOBAL audiences and impact MANY people at once whilst making more MONEY without having to work harder?

Imagine if you could...

✔️ Embody being a confident leader who embraces being visible as their authentic self and as a go-to expert 🔥

✔️ Position your expertise through compelling content that attracts committed clients who are excited to work with you 🏆

✔️ Be endorsed as a trusted expert by others who share your ideas with their audience, appearing on podcasts, in the media and speaking at events 🎤

✔️ Work Smarter when you experience a VISIBILITY 'domino effect' where you expand your reach and scale your impact so you can achieve with greater ease 🧘‍♀️

✔️ Stop undervaluing yourself and make more money as a credible authority, upgrading your offers to appeal to clients who value your expertise, pay your fees and take action 💰

My name is Minnie Von,

I'm an award winning communication coach, MCIM marketer and former TEDx curator and coach who has built a successful business through speaking and marketing helping experts become authorities in their industry...

...and now I want to teach you how you can become a trusted authority in your industry, even if:

❓You're scared, feel invisible, or lack confidence

❓You feel confused to what your expertise/purpose is

❓You're in a transition or pivoting your work or career

❓You're not a speaker (yet!)

❓You had a bad experience speaking in the past

❓You don't have a following or an audience (yet!)

❓You're new to business or don't have a business (yet!)

Lisa's Talk Launched Her Business As A Keynote Speaker & Social Media Expert


"If you are looking for somebody to bring your speaking skills to the next level and make you shine on stage, Minnie is the person you are looking for! She will guide you with her expertise, skills, motivation and compassion towards your goal. Highly recommend!"


Speaking helped me launch and grow my business...

Hey Minnie here,

After becoming a mum I started a marketing consulting business. As a sales and marketing professional, I knew the fastest way to get clients was through speaking.

I spoke at events, vlogged on social media, ran webinars, got featured in media and on podcasts and it grew my visibility and attracted DREAM clients.

You don't need to be omnipresent or have a huge audience to attract clients and speaking allows you to impact many people at once.

The key to success is having proven frameworks and processes that get results and overcoming your fears to embrace showing up in a way that makes you feel good about being visible..

Here's my journey so far...

→ Started side hustles in property and social media to earn extra money and learn new skills.

→ Used my performing arts, sales & marketing skills to get featured in books, media outlets, podcast interviews, and speak at events to share my message, build my brand and get clients.

→ Ran training for a TEDx event and was invited to become head curator and coach, helping hundreds of speakers create their TEDx talks and get millions of views.

→ Invited to be a speaking and personal branding coach for an international beauty pageant and helped contestants win crowns, start their own foundations and grow their influence.

→ MCIM qualified marketer, double award winning coach

→ Have coached hundreds of experts to launch and grow their business, by creating and selling high-value offers, refining their message and expanding their reach and sign up ideal clients.

You might be thinking...

→ Why would anyone listen to me or my advice?

→ But I'm not sure what I would talk about?

→ I'm not the world leading expert so who I am to speak?

→ I don't even have an audience, so how do I find one?

→ Where do I even start, I don't know anyone in media?

→ I'm scared of speaking, what if I look foolish?

→ I want to write my book first and then I'll pursue this...

→ Isn't this a lot of work?!

If that's YOU, you're totally in the right place!

This Is Where The Confident, Visible, Known Program Comes in!


Most experts suffer from the 'experts curse'...

  1. Where they think everyone knows what they know (they are a unconscious competent).
  2. They struggle to explain how they do things effectively because 'it just 'comes naturally to them' and they can't adapt to the audience to communicate their ideas effectively (and lose the audience with jargon, dumbing down, or missing the point).
  3. They believe they have to be the world's leading expert before they can share their wisdom with others (imposter syndrome).

TRUTHBOMB: The reality is that we live in an attention economy NOT a talent economy.

People with WAY less talent than you are commanding attention and getting clients...

I can show you how to get clear on what your audience wants and how to position your offers to get more sales.

When you share your ideas with confidence, clarity and conviction and leverage other people's audiences you'll attract clients with greater ease.

This is not about grinding out endless content or hustling your a** off, this is about ELEVATING POSITIONING & PERCEPTION and giving the right audience, the right message, at the right time so they can take action and get results.

Everything you need to rapidly build your authority and brand

The Confident, Visible, Known Program

a comprehensive strategy to create more impact and income

You'll learn:

1. How to embody confidence and show up with authority

2. Get clarity on your message and stand out in your industry

3. Create a signature talk and webinars for lead generation

4. Storytelling frameworks to engage and motivate action

5. Upgrade your presenting for maximum impact and influence

6. Get your ideas shared in the media - amplify your credibility

7. Pitch to speak at events with a larger audience

8. Develop high value offers as an expert and authority

AND BONUSES of Q&A and accountability within a distraction-free community of like-minded peers. 

Bite-Sized Video Trainings
Action Steps & Worksheets

What's included:

Course Bundle One

Authentic Confidence - [Value £1997]

Step by step course on how to kill imposter syndrome, set meaningful goals and develop confidence through identify shifting and abundance mindset.

21 lessons covering:

  • Growing your confidence and becoming magnetic.
  • Redefining success, setting meaningful goals and daring to dream.
  • Removing mindset blocks, killing imposter syndrome, building unwavering self-belief, and commanding your mind.
  • Busting myths around confidence and fear of judgement.
  • Growing your charisma and identity shifting for decision making and embodying authentic confidence.
  • Cultivating abundance, the power of routine, rituals and habits, optimising your environment and celebrating wins.

Course Bundle Two

Master Speaking - [Value £1997]

Find your unique ideas and turn that into a signature talk, infusing storytelling to motivate audience action, and find speaking gigs and media opportunities to amplify and expand your reach.

18 lessons covering:

  • The mindset of a successful speaker.
  • Craft your talk including storytelling, structuring your talk and talk creation hacks.
  • When to use visuals to engage and how to make awesome slides.
  • Finding speaking gigs, different types of opportunities and how to land speaking gigs.
  • How to present and speak confidently including mistakes to avoid.
  • Preparing to speak, memorisation and being event ready.
  • Expand your reach, pitch the media including TEDx events.

Course Bundle Three

Speaker Secrets - [Value £1997]

As a former TEDx curator I explain what my best speakers all have in common and how to pitch to speak on global and prestigious platforms, the process of preparing to deliver a world class speech, and get optimise the marketing of your talks.

29 lessons covering:

  • Timelines and process of speaking on prestigious platforms and the desirable traits and talk styles different platforms seek in their speakers.
  • Creating a strategic, compelling talk; talk ideation process, the impact and legacy, how to influence the audience, how to motivate action and assessing talk originality.
  • Creating a WOW pitch; how to disrupt with your ideas, creating a short, punchy pitch, outstanding talk titles, compelling biographies.
  • Finding opportunities; assessing quality of events and what to avoid, themes and application processes, how to strategically focus on events more likely to choose you.
  • Mastering applications; video submissions, live submissions, story arcs and through lines.
  • Craft your talk, scripting, speaker mixers, networking and prep for the big day with ways to promote your speaking opportunity to get attendees and maximise views of your talk.

and there's more!

When you enroll, you'll also get these bonuses:

Bonus One

Q&A and Accountability within a Private Community
(Value £1,164)

  • Q&A to make sure that you get your questions answered and can move forward with total clarity and confidence
  • A supportive community where you can connect with fellow students, stay accountable, get more support and real-time feedback
  • Weekly accountability posts and monthly challenges to give you structure and focus so you stay motivated and on track to getting results 

Bonus Two

Recorded Hypnosis & Guided Visualisations
(Value £1500)

  • Commanding The Mind Training with Clinical Hypnotherapist Maria Christie, who primes Minnie's clients to achieve with greater ease and flow 
  • A 'Visibility' guided meditation with Minnie Von to help you embrace being visible
  • Six further Hypnosis Recordings - Extraordinary Success, Wealth & Abundance, Inner confidence, Phenomenal Speaker & Hypnosis for Rapid Change 

It's time to put your brand on steroids and experience a VISIBILITY 'domino effect' where you attract BIGGER opportunities with greater ease...

Let's get started...

Enrol In Confident, Visible, Known with BONUSES Today

Confident, Visible, Known | 3-Course Bundle With Bonuses


ALL Payment Options Get The Following:

✔️ Step-by-step comprehensive programs: Authentic Confidence™, Master Speaking™ & Speaker Secrets™ (value: £5991)

✔️ Bite-sized video trainings with frameworks, transcription and action steps

✔️ Supportive materials; journal prompts, worksheets, cheat sheets, templates

✔️ BONUS ONE: Private Community Q&A, Accountability, Support & Networking (value: £1164)

✔️ BONUS TWO: Hypnosis & Guided Visualisations to prime yourself for success (value: £1500)



However, I want to make this more affordable so for a limited time I will give access to everything for a one-time fee including a year's inclusion to the community allowing you to go at your own pace with ongoing support from me and the other members.
If you have questions, you want to share your work, get feedback, want to be held to account and be with like-minded peers all striving for the same thing - this is the program for you!






SAVE £600

  • Save 20% vs Pay Plan (retail price is £3591)
  • Immediate Access to all courses - start with the one you want first
  • Access to the Community & Hypnosis Bonuses
  • Buy Now Pay Later Available (UK ONLY)




  • Better for cashflow
  • Immediate Access to all courses - start with the one you want first
  • Access to the Community & Hypnosis Bonuses
  • Payment Plan For Non-UK residents



Don't Want All The Courses? Choose What You Need:

Program One

Authentic Confidence

[Value £1997]
Step by step course on how to kill imposter syndrome, set meaningful goals and develop confidence through identify shifting and abundance mindset

Program Two

Master Speaking

[Value £1997]
Find your unique ideas and turn that into a signature talk, infusing storytelling to motivate audience action, and find speaking gigs and media opportunities to amplify and expand your reach

Course Bundle Three

Speaker Secrets

[Value £1997]

As a former TEDx curator I explain what my best speakers all have in common and how to pitch to speak on global and prestigious platforms, the process of preparing to deliver a world class speech, and get optimise the marketing of your talks


Here's What Some Of Our Clients Have To Say...


Linda's Talk Got 247K+ Views And Attracted Global Customers

"What an amazing experience my TEDx journey was from start to end with the amazing Minnie.

I couldn’t have achieved what I did without her expertise and enthusiasm to make my talk inspiring and engaging.

She gave me amazing confidence to believe in myself. She's an absolute delight to work with and I couldn’t recommend enough."

Linda J.
CEO & Foundation Founder, UK

Andrew's Talk Provided A Professional Speaking Showreel

"Minnie helped me to elevate my material to the next level, to draw out content which I would have missed (I'm so thankful I didn't miss it) and then how to truly shape a superb talk.

In terms of strategic thinking and speaking, furthering your speaking career, the business behind it, shaping your message, truly understanding your audience and the very best in marketing knowledge, Minnie is THE go-to, speaker coach."

Andrew P.
Motivational, Mental Health Speaker, Coach & Mentor

David's Confidence Grew And He Pivoted In Business

"I actually really had to embody truth in order to be able to speak in a relaxed way in front of 300 people and the experience was transformational for me. I was able to really evolve myself as a person after that and if you can show yourself that you can do this, then you can show yourself you can do the next thing, which is even bigger because you'll want to continue, you'll want to conquer the next bigger stage, the bigger feat. So you can get momentum with it, and that's what's really beautiful."

David B.
Spirituality Mentor and Coach

Here's What Some Of Our Clients Have To Say...


Linda's Talk got 247K+ Views And Attracted Global Customers

What an amazing experience my TEDx journey was from start to end with the amazing Minnie.

I couldn’t have achieved what I did without her expertise and enthusiasm to make my talk inspiring and engaging.

She gave me amazing confidence to believe in myself. She's an absolute delight to work with and I couldn’t recommend enough.

Linda Jones
CEO & Founder, Sales Fatigue Foundation


Andrew's Talk Provided A Professional Speaking Showreel

Minnie helped me to elevate my material to the next level, to draw out content which I would have missed (I'm so thankful I didn't miss it) and then how to truly shape a superb talk.

In terms of strategic thinking and speaking, furthering your speaking career, the business behind it, shaping your message, truly understanding your audience and the very best in marketing knowledge, Minnie is THE go-to, speaker coach.

Andrew Pain
Motivational, Mental Health Speaker, Andrew Pain


David's Confidence Grew And He Pivoted In Business

I actually really had to embody truth in order to be able to speak in a relaxed way in front of 300 people and the experience was transformational for me. I was able to really evolve myself as a person after that and if you can show yourself that you can do this, then you can show yourself you can do the next thing, which is even bigger because you'll want to continue, you'll want to conquer the next bigger stage, the bigger feat. So you can get momentum with it, and that's what's really beautiful.

David Bentley
Spirituality Mentor,

Will This Work For You?

Natasha Launched A New Business Using Facebook Live

"I knew I wanted to engage in more public speaking opportunities, but I just couldn't get over myself and couldn't possibly understand why anybody would want to hear what I had to say. Thank goodness I found Minnie.

After only a few weeks I felt confident enough to show up in a Facebook Live video which resulted instantly in a new client for me."

- Natasha B.

Marketing Consultant & University Lecturer, Australia

One Talk Attracted More Speaking Opportunities & Exposure For Her Business

"Minnie is a visionary coach help me recognize my story and speech before I realize for my Tedx project in 2018. I highly recommend her work, she will be a force to recon with for any leader in any industry.

In addition, any professional, executive, leader and business owner, she is a perfect coach, if you need to up-level your presenting and speaking skills so you can command any room and get the results you want."

- Ayla A.

CEO, Med Tech Industry, USA

New Webinar Got Leads For A Technology Innovation Business

"I was fortunate to work with Minnie on her presentation training course which I found to be very powerful. She has a broad range of helpful frameworks and her practical experience from strategy through structure to stage was evident.

However, what I really valued about working with Minnie was her unusual ability to draw on both her experience in the corporate world and as a marketing consultant to entrepreneurs. If you’re looking to step up the impact of your presentations, look no further than Minnie!"

- Alan C.

Director, Innovation & Tech Industry, UK


Everything you need to become a confident, compelling communicator to attract leads and clients.


But I have questions...

Frequently Asked Questions


Still unsure?
Maybe you...

✔️ Feel overlooked and frustrated and wish you could stand out as the expert you are

✔️ Want to feel good about sales and marketing in a way that doesn't feel sleazy and positions you as a professional of choice

✔️ Want to learn how to put the WOW into your talk, webinars, presentations and pitches so you generate leads and close business

✔️ Want to overcome your fear of being seen, and get active on social media, on stages and in media.

✔️ You want to know how to target media and speaking opportunities and don't know where to start

✔️ Want to work smarter and have strategic content you can use over again to make more money with less effort

✔️ Your webinars, talks and presentations aren't generating interest, leads or clients and you don't know what needs to change

✔️ You wish you could be more charismatic and engaging like other speakers you see

✔️ You want to elevate your offers and raise your rates so you can work with higher value clients and make more impact

✔️ You have a new idea, product or service you want expert guidance to see how it could be packaged, priced and what to say to get clients

✔️ You have getting a TV interview, Radio, Podcasts, News and TEDx Talk on your vision board and now you want to make that vision a reality

✔️ You lost your mojo and want help getting your spark back, to create new materials or to reinvent yourself

✔️ Know you are meant for big things and dream of owning your own wildly profitable business where you work with global audiences and can serve many people at once

If you said yes to any of the above then you're in the right place so ask yourself...


What is really holding me back?


What could I achieve in 30, 60 or 90 days with the right support and information?

Life's too short to keep dreaming...

In a few month's you'll be glad you took action today!

As soon as you enroll you'll get instant access to the training programs and onboarding information. You can join the community and start getting the support, feedback and accountability you need to become CONFIDENT, VISIBLE, and KNOWN

I can't wait for you to be my next success story!



SAVE £600

  • Save 20% vs Pay Plan
  • Immediate Access to all courses - start with the one you want first
  • Access to the Community & Hypnosis Bonuses




  • Better for cashflow
  • Immediate Access to all courses - start with the one you want first
  • Access to the Community & Hypnosis Bonuses
Disclaimer: These programs as per Meta®’s terms are not sponsored, administered or associated with any of its platforms including Instagram, Facebook, What’s App and others they may own, which are all trademarks of Meta LLC. Additionally, this site is not a part of nor endorsed by TED or TEDx which are trademarks of TED LLC. These programs are not guaranteed income opportunities.