AI International Influential Business Women Award: Best Global Communication Coach 2023
Sep 20, 2024
Best Global Communication Coach 2023
Business Delighted to Announce I Won The AI International Influential Business Women Award in the Category Of Best Global Communication Coach 2023
I am incredibly honoured to share that I’ve been awarded the Best Global Communication Coach 2023 Award from AI International within their Influential Business Women category.
This award recognises the hard work and relentless support I have given my clients over the years to help them share their messages on prestigious platforms including TV, Ignite Conferences and at TEDx events.
I was not expecting an award, so I was quite humbled and delighted to receive news of my nomination. Then the work began! I had to answer a lot of questions and submit evidence of the work I have done so the team at AI International could verify my experiences and expertise.
It feels encouraging to see that my journey to help leaders, entrepreneurs, and changemakers elevate their influence and create meaningful impact is being noticed.
Winning this award is a reflection of the amazing clients I’ve had the privilege of working with, the transformative results we’ve achieved together, and my unwavering passion for helping them make a difference.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported my business. This win is not just mine it’s for all of us who dare to aim higher, stay bold, and relentlessly pursue growth and excellence.
Here’s to continuing the journey, creating more impact, and empowering even more voices to rise!